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Hit Your Energy Bill Where It Hurts With a New High-Efficiency Air Conditioner

September 8, 2021

It’s easy to feel the heat during sweltering summer months. Sometimes that heat slips over into autumn forcing you to leave your air conditioning on longer. That only raises your energy bills and keeps you paying those higher rates longer. However, there is a way to keep from hurting your wallet.

Make the Switch to Lower Utility Bills

Sure, an air conditioner tends to compromise the majority of a utility bill during the summer. You can easily lower that overall bill and keep your home cooler with a new high-efficiency air conditioner. When you switch to a new high-efficiency air conditioner, you are taking the right action to keep cool while reducing your energy bills by 20% to 50%. Are you ready for the switch?

Ask yourself a couple of questions about the air conditioner you have now. Does it break down frequently or need AC repairs? How high did your utility bills get during the hottest summer months the previous year? When both of those numbers are high it is time to talk to a local AC company and consider installing a new high-efficiency air conditioner.

New Air Conditioner Models Are More Energy Efficient

It stands to reason that a new air conditioner is going to be more energy efficient than your old unit. The truth is in the SEER ratings. SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio indicates the amount of electricity required to remove heat from your indoor space.

When the number is higher, the higher the efficiency is for the air conditioning system. New AC models are more energy-efficient and have better SEER ratings. This is important information you want to use when looking at new AC units from a reliable AC company.

AC Companies Can Help You Find an AC Unit With a High SEER Rating

The minimum rating for new AC systems as of 2015 is 14 SEER for the south and 13 SEER for the north. Some of the most energy-efficient systems tout SEER ratings of 25. You can still operate an existing AC unit with a lower efficiency rating, but why would you want to keep spending all of that extra money? Get an estimate for a new high-efficiency unit from a reliable AC company.

An AC Company Can Improve the Comfort of Your Home

A local AC company is ready to help you improve the comfort level of your home with a high-efficiency AC system. New AC features also include multiple stages of operation, more uniform temperatures, and reduced noise levels. Many of them are also compatible with a programmable thermostat as well as zoning systems that help save more money.

Enjoy Faster Cooling

An AC company Chattanooga TN residents trust want to help you get the best ac unit for your home. This includes being introduced to newer AC units that cool quicker and more efficiently. Once the unit has cooled your home to the desired temperature, it will turn off until it is needed again. You get cool air faster than before from an AC system that does not end up working long or harder per cycle.

How Low Can You Go?

No one wants to see a high utility bill that is difficult to pay. A high-efficiency AC system put in your home by professional AC installers is the first step in cutting your energy costs. The higher the SEER rating, the better since the unit will use less energy. Less energy use translates to more savings and lower energy bills.

High-Efficiency Units Are Good for Your Wallet and the Environment

A high-efficiency AC system uses much less energy, therefore it produces fewer greenhouse gasses. Using less electricity means you're also using fewer fossil fuels. All of the above is better for your wallet and the environment. What’s holding you back from making a great investment in your home and helping protect the environment. Speak with a local AC company today.

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