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5 Tips to Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

November 15, 2021

As winter gets closer, it's important to make sure that your furnace is in working order before the temperatures drop. Thankfully, this doesn't have to be difficult and, with five easy tips, you can ensure that your home is as comfortable as possible this winter.

1.Turn On Your Heat

First off, give your furnace a test run to make sure that it is switched on and able to heat up your home. Set your thermostat to your desired winter temperature and let your furnace run until it hits the mark. This will ensure that your furnace is able to turn on, heat up your home, and maintain the temperature without failure. If you notice that it isn't kicking on or if it is making any strange sounds, you may need to have a
heating maintenance technician come in and inspect it.

2. Change Your Air Filter

Although you're probably tired of hearing it, changing your air filters is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your furnace is working properly. Preferably, you should check your filter every month and change it no less than every three months. However, many homeowners tend to forget about their filters for well over three months, which can lead to eventual damage to your HVAC unit. To make remembering easier, try marking the date on your calendar or setting a reminder on your Alexa or Google Home.

3. Remove Items Near Vents and Furnace

Storing items around your furnace can be a safety hazard and it can even prevent your system from being able to work correctly. Be sure that anything that could block airflow is removed and try your best not to use the space around it for storage. Additionally, make sure to remove any items that are covering your vents, as this can block airflow, making your system need to work harder to keep your home warm.

4. Clean Your Ducts

If you have never had your air ducts cleaned, now is the time before winter hits. Ducts can easily get clogged with debris and dust, making it harder for your home to be heated evenly. When this happens, your furnace may start working harder to try and compensate, leading to it wearing out sooner than it should.

5. Have Your Unit Inspected

One of the best things you can do to ensure that your heating is ready for winter is by having it inspected and cleaned by a professional. Your HVAC requires regular maintenance in order to keep functioning properly, and for this reason, it is recommended that you have it maintained twice a year, in the spring for the air conditioner and in the fall for your heating (per Aireserv). Heating maintenance can ensure that everything is running as it should and that you aren't in danger of having a breakdown when the temperatures are well below zero.

If you are getting your furnace ready for before winter, make sure to keep these heating maintenance tips in mind. You should also consider calling in a technician to professionally clean and inspect your unit to ensure that it will continue running smoothly all winter long.

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