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Your Guide to AC Installation

March 22, 2024

Americans are very fond of their air conditioners. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are units in 75% of the homes. Air conditioners use 6% of the country's energy, and it costs $29 billion each year. There are more energy-efficient models out there, and you might have decided to have an AC installation for one of them. Here's what to expect during that process:

Try to Have It Installed in Spring or Fall

When you're setting up an AC installation, you should probably have it done before the weather is too hot or cold. That leaves the spring and the fall. Try to set it up in advance, since these slots can fill up quickly. You don't want to be scrambling when the more extreme weather is descending on the area.

Expect an Inspection

The people who are going to be doing the installation need to know that it will be safe for them, so they will inspect the area first. You can do your part by clearing out a path for them. Make sure you move everything that they could possibly trip on. Also, have the outside grass trimmed so that they will be able to install the outside part. That will make the whole thing easy for them.

Keep Pets and Kids Out of the Way

Some of the things the installers are going to be bringing in will be heavy. You don't want your pet or child in the way of that. Be sure to move them to a separate room and shut the door. That will keep everyone safe, including the people doing the installation.

Just be sure to be alert. They may ask you some questions or ask you to move something for them. You can also ask them questions, especially if this is your first time having an HVAC installed. Ask them about maintenance and what to be on the lookout for. That way, you'll be more confident when you start using the unit.

That's the basic idea of the experience of having an AC installed in your place. The technician will gladly elaborate on any questions. Then you can enjoy your new air conditioner. Are you in TN and need an AC installation done? We have you covered. Contact Bailey's Heating and Air today to set up an appointment.

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